The Realm Of Reliability – A Month Of November Prompts In One Day By Walt Page, The Tennessee Poet

Thanks once again to Michelle from
Putting My Feet In The Dirt
for her list of daily prompts for the month of November.
Please visit her site for her November list of daily prompts.

The Realm Of Reliability

Come. Ride with me and my Knights through the realm of reliability,
where King Unreliable has ordered seeds of solitude to be planted
throughout the realm. His citizens are all creatures of curiosity
and charisma, eager to watch the sunrise in all its blushing
brilliance. The King has ordered a day of denial and outlawed
petals and parasols.

The citizens all share the dream of all dreams, to meet
a lipstick lover on the captivating confines of DaVinci’s
canvas, The women are all bustling beauties filled with
fresh air, no despair, searching for pennies from heaven.

Come with us to hear Silly Lily and her band, Tethered Triumphs,
sing their million selling song, Brass Buttons and Bobby Socks.
We will have a magically musical evening. We’ll watch a chorus
of plastered petticoats wearing Silver Sage run around the
ring of enchantment. We’ll look through windows to the past
as we hear a lecture on the eager advancements out on
the Dakota plains.

Even though King Unreliable has ordered his realm slated for
the shadows,a group of Nervy Knights, led by Sir Walt and
Lady Dorinda, have plans to overthrow him. They are tired
of his pulpy snafus and his wilted white whiskers. The King ha
become fractured and formless and Sir Walt and his knights
have voided his victories.

With the King overthrown, Lady Dorinda has crowned
Sir Walt as King of the realm, for he is her hero!

The moral of this story: Let your writing take
you to places that you normally don’t go.

~The Tennessee Poet~
©Walt Page 2018 All Rights Reserved

18 thoughts on “The Realm Of Reliability – A Month Of November Prompts In One Day By Walt Page, The Tennessee Poet

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  1. I always look forward to these and I love how you snuck Dorinda in there. And might I add, you’re looking quite dashing in your new profile picture, Sir Walt! 😉 Also, Happy Veterans Day! Thank you so much for serving our nation. ❤️


    1. Why thank you for liking the story and profile pic. It’s a couple years old, so picture me a couple years older and aged like fine wine. 😇 Thank for the Veteran’s Day wishes and same back to you. I saw a comment from Brian on Instagram and hadn’t realized you also served, so Thank You also fellow vet!


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