And So It Began – A Poem By Walt Page, The Tennessee Poet

It was early evening
Too early to sleep
So he let his thoughts fly free
Creating images in his mind
Of what is
And what used to be

Thoughts of his parents
Christmas morning
A cross country road trip to California
Remembering the Grand Canyon
Old Faithful and the giant Redwoods
He was only five then
Hoping to see his idol, Roy Rogers

Childhood memories cascaded over him
Like softly falling snow on Christmas Eve
He thought about his first drum set
Playing drums in the school bands
Winning his first drum battle in college

So many thoughts and memories
Reminding him
Of all that he had experienced
All that had helped form him
Into the man they call
The Tennessee Poet

He smiled
Turned off the lights
Lit a candle
And began to write

~The Tennessee Poet~
Ā©Walt Page 2019 All Rights Reserved

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