Early Morning Walks

He loves his early morning walks
through the mist
along the old country road

It was his quiet time
and he would walk slowly

he used his cane to steady him
and he would stop every few minutes
to rest and catch his breath

the walks were getting more difficult
and he was getting more bent over
he would stop often to stretch
and straighten himself as much as he could

even though it hurt, he enjoyed his walks
he often wondered if one day the mist
would just surround him and swallow him up
never to be seen again

but the sun always cleared the mist
and a new day was always born

~The Tennessee Poet~
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16 thoughts on “Early Morning Walks

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  1. Lovely, coincidence this morning was one of those Tennessee heavy foggy mornings as I walked the dogs. This was a very touching poem that holds hope. 🙏🏼💙

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